Project Name: Provide Design/Build Services to Provide Waterproofing Membrane System, FTC Building Court Yard, Washington, DC
Owner & Client:General Services Administration
Project Status: Completed
Description of Work:Remove Existing waterproofing system and water fountain. Remove, relocate and reinstall pavers. Provide new concrete cants, reinforced rubberized asphalt waterproofing system, base and counter flashings and extruded insulation.

Project Name: Replace Three Boilers in CDC Building 483, Ft. Myer, VA
Owner & Client: Department of the Army
Project Status: Completed
Description of Work: Replace the existing three hydronic boilers and chill water expansion tank. The work also included scaffolding, controls, TAB, and electrical work.

Project Name: Remove Heat & Humidity 6800 Corridor, WB Bryant Annex Bld., Washington, DC
Owner & Client: General Services Administration
Project Status: Completed
Description of Work: Interior demolition, concrete pads, steel framing, roof work, textured ceilings, painting, mechanical and electrical work.

Project Name: Provide OSID Fire Detection System, Prettyman Court House, NW, Washington, DC
Owner & Client: General Services Administration
Description of Work: Replace existing beam detectors with OSID system. Work also included drywall, painting, ceilings, scaffolding and electrical work.

Project Name: Repair/Replace Parking Lot Light Poles, Ft. Detrick, MD
Owner & Client: Department of the Army
Description of Work: Demolition of concrete light pole bases and light poles, locate all underground utilities, obtain required permits, excavate trenches, provide horizontal directional boring, asphalt paving, install schedule 40 PVC conduit and new electrical feeders, 14 each new concrete light pole bases and LED light fixtures with photo sensors, provide temporary lighting, erosion control measures, traffic control, aluminum skirts for light pole bases, epoxy anchors for base plates, duct banks, new J-boxes, and circuit breakers.

Project Name: Install Electrical Conduit for Fuel Tank Monitoring System, Richmond, VA
Owner & Client: Defense Logistics Agency
Project Status: Completed
Description of Work: Install electrical conduit to connect communications wiring to the fuel monitoring system for underground storage tanks.

Project Name: CNIC-60 Redesign of Laundry Room
Owner & Client: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Washington, DC
Project Status: Completed
Description of Work: Renovate Laundry Room C-107 on the 1st Floor at Building 60, Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Rework and install all water supply, water drainage, electrical and HVAC system to accommodate 25 new stack washer/dryer units.

Project Name: WRNMMC 9 – Replace Lab Workstations, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Owner & Client: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Washington
Project Status: Completed
Description of Work: This project includes, remove existing laboratory non-stainless steel workstation tops and counters in rooms 0726-09, 0734-09, 0732-09 and 0729-09 in Building 09. Replace workstation tops and counters with type 316L, 16-gauge stainless steel.

Project Name: Provide Design/Build Services to Perform Structural Concrete Repairs to Steam Tunnel at the Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant-HOTD, Washington, DC
Owner & Client:General Services Administration
Project Status: Current
Description of Work:Provide design and perform structural concrete repairs to existing steam tunnel.

Project Name:Design/Build Services to Provide Renovation of MARC Building, FDA Facility, Laurel, MD
Owner & Client:General Services Administration
Project Status: Current
Description of Work:Provide design services, demolition, chemical resistant countertops, VCT flooring, painting, ACT ceilings, carpet tiles, plumbing, HVAC and electrical work.

Project Name: IDIQ Contract to Provide Maintenance and Repairs of Backflow Preventers, Pentagon, Washington, DC
Owner & Client: Washington Headquarters Services
Project Status: Current
Description of Work: Five Years term IDIQ contract to provide maintenance and repairs of backflow preventers.

Project Name: Re-Pave Baltimore Washington Parkway
Owner & Client: Federal Highway Administration
Description of Work: Surveying, staking, testing, traffic control, milling, asphalt repairs, new asphalt concrete pavement, mumble strips and striping.

Project Name: Replace Two Chillers and Upgrade Three Cooling Towers, FDA Building, Laurel, MD
Owner & Client:General Services Administration
Project Status: Current
Description of Work: Replace two each 350 tons multi stack generation II MagLev water-cooled centrifugal chillers. Work also included rigging, bray valves, temperature controls, water balancing, replace control panel. Install liquid-in-glass thermometers on chiller evaporator/condenser water inlet and outlet in thermowell. Replace insulation. Provide electrical support.

Project Name: Construct NEC (Building 136) Storage Building, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas
Owner & Client: United States Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas
Project Status: In-Progress
Description of Work: This project consists of providing all labor, equipment, and material to design and construct a pre-engineered metal building for storage adjacent to building 136, located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The work consists construction of a pre-engineered building including footing and foundations, site work, new utility service to the building (gas, electricity and water), stud-wall partitions, HVAC and ductwork, lighting protection and receptacles and associated circuits.

Project Name: WRNMMC 10 Renovate Behavioral Health
Owner & Client: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, Washington
Project Status: In Progress
Description of Work: The purpose of this project is to meet the standard and requirements of ligature resistant at Behavioral Health in Building 10 7W and portion of 7C at Walter reed medical center.

Project Name: FDA MARC Renovation and Conversion Project
Owner & Client: General Services Administration
Project Status: In Progress
Description of Work: This work includes-
1. Renovating the existing Autoclave Rooms 1303 & 1305 to a Media Preparation Space; 1303 shall become a Media Preparation room and Room 1305 shall become a Media Storage & Inventory room.
2. Converting the existing Technical Operation Rooms 3202 (Media Preparation) & 3204B (Clean Side Glassware Processing) to an Administration/Office Space.
3. Renovating the existing Room 3810 (Dark Room) to an Administrative Office.

Project Name: BEP-UPS, Data Center Room 711, Washington, DC
Owner & Client: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Project Status: In Progress
Description of Work: The Office of IT Operations at BEP requested a redundant UPS system to provide continuous power in the event of an UPS malfunction. This Project required QCM to provide a redundant UPS system for the existing Data Center (Rm. 711A) along with site preparation that includes demolition of existing architectural, structural, electrical, mechanical, etc. systems and replacing these disciplines with new systems.

Project Name: BEP- Municipal Solid Nonhazardous Waste Removal, Washington, DC and Landover Warehouse Facilities
Owner & Client: Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Project Status: In Progress
Description of Work: This is a non-personal services contract to provide municipal solid nonhazardous waste removal for the BEP, Washington DC and Landover Warehouse facilities.
The Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington, DC are provided with two 30-yard dumpsters that get serviced once a day each, and a Landover Warehouse facility with an 8-yard container with bi-weekly scheduled collections and the 30-yard, open top container pulled on an “On call basis”.
QCM provides all personnel, equipment, tools, materials, vehicles, supervision, and other items and services necessary to perform municipal solid nonhazardous waste removal, to include construction and demolition debris.